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I work really hard on my videos pictures and writing(Etc.) Please do not claim my work as your own or put it on your site, blog or anything like that without my permission!(I will not allow you to put your name on my work ever!!!! So don't ask about that aspect of things.) Thanks.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Echo(Part 2) (Read part 1 first)

No I’m not!” Emily screamed. She refused to be lost again.

“Come with me child.” Emily imagined the women standing in front of her holding her hand out for her to take.

“I don’t know you.” Emily shrunk back, pushing herself against the cold stones.

“I have nothing to hide.” The women’s voice was so sweet. How could Emily not come with her?

“It is what you don’t hide I am most afraid of.”

“Fear won’t get you anywhere my darling.” I am not your darling Emily thought to herself. The woman laughed a sparkling laugh.

“Why should I trust you?” Emily was afraid. She slowly backed up trying to get as far from the voice as she could.

“Just follow my voice.” Emily heard foot steps walking away and than they stopped. “Come…” The women urged. Emily imagined her holding out her hand again.

Emily started to follow the voice. What did she have to lose? She was going to die down there anyway. Wasn’t she?

“Dude…we need to find mom, Emily.” Carla was shivering now. It was getting dark and cold.

“I know I know. Where did she go?”

“Excuse me?” A mans voice came from behind them.

“Yes?” Emily replied turning around to see him. The fist thing she noticed about the man was how pale he was. He looked almost dead with his pale skin, bruise like shadows under his eyes and his purple toned lips. Still somehow he was quite handsome. His brown hair was combed back and on top of it rested a black 1960’s Fedora. He was tall and muscular. His suit was wrinkleless and crisp, but still he looked a little strange.

“I was just wondering…Do you girls need help?” The man’s voice was ice cold and slightly creepy.

“Yeah…We’re looking for our mom.” Carla shot out with no though at all.

“Carla!” Emily hissed kicking Carla fiercely in the side. She didn’t want her to tell the handsome stranger too much. They had never seen him before.

“Here come follow me. I will take you to the visitor’s center to get you help.”

“Er…Thanks.” Emily didn’t know this strange man, but she followed him, treading behind her skipping sister.

The women kept talking about various things that Emily didn’t understand. Something about the shadow people and how they could appear invisible and such. Oh, but wait. That made sense.

“Are they here?” Emily asked the women in a timed voice.

“No they left a year ago. No one has scene them since.”

“What are you…Who are you?” Emily was becoming more afraid with every step she took.

“Don’t worry your pretty little head about that.”

“How do you know I am pretty?” Emily asked. How could she possibly see in this darkness?

“I can see you.” Emily froze. What?

“What was that?” What was this woman? Who was she?

“I can see you.” Emily backed up. That was enough for her. She turned around and started to run. Never look back Emily though. Running again? It was all over. She was doomed to run to death. She was ether going to die from exhaustion or run right into the arms of a dark stranger. Emily started back up with her crying. The tears burned her dry, scratched cheeks. Emily imagined she didn’t look pretty at all. Maybe the woman didn’t see her. Yeah that was it. Since Emily didn’t look pretty, the woman could not have seen her. Emily stopped in her stacks’.

“Please don’t do that again.” The women hissed.” Do you want to die before it is your turn?”

“No…Wait my turn? What?”

“Um…Just follow me and don’t run off this time.” What was going on? Emily clasped her hands together. Despite the cold her hands were hot and sticky. She was so tiered. She just wanted to lay down and sleep. Everything just needed to stop.

“Where are we?” Carla asked the man nervously. The tall, well dressed man stopped abruptly, turning around on his toe. A devil smile stretch across is face revealing his terrifyingly sharp teeth.

(Stay tuned for part 3)

Thursday, September 24, 2009


I am so exhited for Halloween! It is the best holiday ever! Who else thinks Halloween is just the best? I mean the candy, Jack'O Lanturns and just everything!!!!!!!!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Echo (Part 1)

Tears streamed down the girls face as she darted through the caverns of Echo. Her hair, matted with sweat and blood, whipped around her face as she ran. Although she was completely exhausted she didn’t stop running. Never stop running, she told herself. The girl knew it was only a matter of time before she herself would fall pray to the invisible creatures hiding at every turn. It was pitch black in the fierce underground city, not a lantern or torch in sight. Her heart bounded out of her chest picking up the pace every time she herd a thud or a movement in the darkness. That was a rare event tough. In fact it was so quiet that the only sound in the black was the pitter patter of the girl’s bare feet against the cobble stone. The lack of light was starting take a toll on the girl’s sense of direction. Every couple steps she would trip and skin her knees or elbow. Not knowing if she was headed up or down, the girl continued her search for a door, a window, some way of escape. Her lounges burned and her side ached, but she knew that if she stopped even for a moment she would parish. No matter where she looked no matter where she ran, there was not one door in sight. She was trapped in a fierce deadly hole, Echo. It was named well, for as you grew closer to the populated areas you could hear the echoing screams of the invisibles' next victims. The girl was far from any populated areas by now. She had been running for hours, not stopping once, She pushed herself.

The girl’s mind wondered back to the morning when her family was still intact. They decided to take a trip downtown to look at the Christmas lights. It was crisp cool and just plain splendid outside. Emily, for that was the girl’s name, loved downtown. She loved the huge buildings and the endless amounts of taxis. Emily’s mother only consented on the trip because her favorite bookstore was right next to the mall. The book stores location was important because of the fact that Emily’s sister was absolutely shoe crazy.

“Mom, can I pleeeaaase by those new pea toe Prada shoes I saw on T.V this morning?” Carla, Emily’s sister wined.

“Carla…Honestly those things cast three-hundred dollars.” No way was her mom going to spend three-hundred dollars on a pair of shoes. Emily giggled and returned to listening to her music.


“Carla, no! You will just have to earn it yourself.” Carla was no hard worker and would rather wear last years Prada shoes than work for new ones.

All of the sudden Emily remembered she wasn’t paying attention to her running. All of her sense of direction was now gone. She was lost. Her family was lost. There was no use running now…She was doomed to die in the stone walls of Echo.

“Can we go to the mall now?” Carla asked her mom locking Emily’s harm in her own.

“What… the mall? Come on…” Emily complained stomping her foot like a little girl. She wasn’t really far from a little girl. Emily was only 14 years old with long golden brown hair that curled down to her mid-back. She actually had a pretty face, much like her sister’s.

“Yes…The mall.” Carla said in a slightly demeaning voice.

“Okay girls. Be safe and stick together. I will be in the book store on the right side of it.”

“Bye mom!” Carla said practically dragging Emily by the arm. “We’ll be carful.” So says the cat stuck in the bag that never learned to back up.

Emily was freezing all over. There seemed to be a draft coming from somewhere, but how could that be? She was deep under the ground. She quickly jumped to her feet. She had to steady her self against the cold for fear of falling. No, not a draft, but it was something.

“Girl?” said and invisible voice in the darkness. Emily jumped from the shock. It wasn’t a draft. It was the breathing of a woman.

“Y-yes?” Emily’s voice echoed off the walls. “Where am I…I mean…I know I am in Echo but where in Echo?”

“Oh…” The woman’s voice was as smooth as butter. “You are in the far East wing.”

“Who are you?” Emily was confused by the kindness of the woman’s voice.

“That isn’t important…Emily.” The women knew Emily’s name. “Are you alright?”

“No…yes.” Emily didn’t want to give away her fragile state to the invisible stranger. The unknown, in Echo were the ones to fear.

“Are you lost my dear?”

“No.” Well of course she was lost, but why would she own up to it.

“Yes you are.” The women cued in the pitch black.

“Crap…We’re lost!” Carla groaned.

“No, no, no!” Emily was getting worried. After Emily and her sister visited the mall they went out to find they’re mom. Unfortunately she was no where to be found. By now they had been searching for her for about two hours. Where was there mother? Would they ever find her?

(This is written completely by me. It is a short story. Part 2 coming soon! Sorry about my spelling.)

Supermassive Black Hole(Sims 2)

This is another video I created using the sims 2.

Pker Face(The sims 2)

This is a music video I made and posted on youtube with the sims 2.

There She Was

There she was. Dragging her feet through the crowded schools halls of her overly packed middle school. Her mind was full of thought and confusion. She felt as if she was isolated even though so many people stood near. The confusion was her sudden and abrupt popularity that was now raining on to her. Not once in her short life had she ever been so admired and talked kindly to. This was only entirely true outside of her home life. Still her mind was still set to "My parents don't know me." Just like every other teen girl she felt as if her parents were some different species ignorant to the teen language. Of course this young girls life was not as awful as she made it out to be. As you very well may know the normal teen brain is filtered into just two piles, mean and nice.

I will not deny that I am just as silly,tough minded and friendship run as any other adolescent, but I do acknowledge my attitude issues and what not... Well anyway to get back to are story.

This young girl had no other business to be going down this crowded hall than to wait for her mother to get her from school. She slowly stopped at the front doors to peer out the long windows.They gave a great view to the parking lot and the nearby cross walk that led to the library just across the street. The girl propped her self up against one of the large windows placing her fist gently under her chin. The girls eyes drifted to stare at the drive in to the school. The girl was used to long waits by the large windows and was content to at least have time to think. Her mind quickly filled with day dreams. She thought of things she wished of doing and things she had done, but wished to do again. Soon enough she was gone in a dream world so vast that not a soul could bother her...At the moment anyway.
Soon the sound of a car horn knocked the girl out of her mid day dreaming. It was her mother waiting with the warm car and a friendly smile. The girl quickly walked out the door pushing herself down the long stairs that led to the pick up line. The girl jumped to the car and flung open the door. He mother greeted her with a happy loving hug and than finally releasing her from the death grip reached over and slammed the passenger door.

So another day was over and the girl was content and happy. until next time she thought to her self as her mom drove away from her oh so familiar school building.


Royal by Heart

There he was leaning against the dirty brick wall of a building. He was alone and forgotten. His head was bent down and his eyes were closed as if he was in prayer. His clothes were rags and his hair was gray. His pants had various holes and patches. His nails dirty and chipped.
The mans thoughts did not match his appearance. He thought of himself as a prince. He was the son of a king. Why would he not be a prince? He knew that when his time came he would be rewarded for his persistence in his work. He would be greeted with high honor and grace.
Still even with these things existing he is still forgotten, but people do not know an important thing. Didn't the lord say that the first would be last and the last first? don't pass the man by. He is a son of god just as any other person. He is royal by birth.
Royalty do not notice this man. This man is royalty and yet he is ignored. Do not ignore your brother.


The Contemplater

As a city large I tower high. Much larger than the stars at night. Cascades of lights to draw you near and tales that would bring you fear.
In my tallest tower there is a man. Contemplating head in hand. His thoughts so vast and full of life that his stories bring even the strongest man to cry.In the night his tales grow huge. Dreams from his heart so pure and true, but when he arises from his bead he can not remember one of them. No matter how long he strains his mind not one of those amazing dreams he'll find. So now he sits contemplating waiting for his dreams to take him.


Welcom Friends.

Welcome to my new blog. ENJOY!!!