Please Don't Reprint my Work

I work really hard on my videos pictures and writing(Etc.) Please do not claim my work as your own or put it on your site, blog or anything like that without my permission!(I will not allow you to put your name on my work ever!!!! So don't ask about that aspect of things.) Thanks.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Life is too short to just give up on. To pretend there is nothing left of it, because there is always something new, exciting. Don't let your life just be normal, let it be different and unique in it's very own why, where no one can say it was there's too.


  1. Hi There I am just popping by as directed by your lovely Mom... You are a really talented girl. enjoyed your video..also love your poems..
    Love Syil xx

  2. Yes, live authentically! Coming over from your mom's blog to say, "Hello".
