Please Don't Reprint my Work

I work really hard on my videos pictures and writing(Etc.) Please do not claim my work as your own or put it on your site, blog or anything like that without my permission!(I will not allow you to put your name on my work ever!!!! So don't ask about that aspect of things.) Thanks.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

The Spot in Your Heart

Have you found that little spot
In the center of your heart

Do you understand the feeling
that makes it stop and start

It is quiet
And unheard

Makes you flutter
Like a bird

Does time bring you the know
Or is it fate that lets you go

How can you leave it in the night
It would be the most of fright

But when there's nothing else to hold
You should take it fast and bold

You'll say I love you
And that's all he needs to know

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful....have you found that spot dear Sarah? Sounds like you might have.
