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Monday, September 21, 2009

There She Was

There she was. Dragging her feet through the crowded schools halls of her overly packed middle school. Her mind was full of thought and confusion. She felt as if she was isolated even though so many people stood near. The confusion was her sudden and abrupt popularity that was now raining on to her. Not once in her short life had she ever been so admired and talked kindly to. This was only entirely true outside of her home life. Still her mind was still set to "My parents don't know me." Just like every other teen girl she felt as if her parents were some different species ignorant to the teen language. Of course this young girls life was not as awful as she made it out to be. As you very well may know the normal teen brain is filtered into just two piles, mean and nice.

I will not deny that I am just as silly,tough minded and friendship run as any other adolescent, but I do acknowledge my attitude issues and what not... Well anyway to get back to are story.

This young girl had no other business to be going down this crowded hall than to wait for her mother to get her from school. She slowly stopped at the front doors to peer out the long windows.They gave a great view to the parking lot and the nearby cross walk that led to the library just across the street. The girl propped her self up against one of the large windows placing her fist gently under her chin. The girls eyes drifted to stare at the drive in to the school. The girl was used to long waits by the large windows and was content to at least have time to think. Her mind quickly filled with day dreams. She thought of things she wished of doing and things she had done, but wished to do again. Soon enough she was gone in a dream world so vast that not a soul could bother her...At the moment anyway.
Soon the sound of a car horn knocked the girl out of her mid day dreaming. It was her mother waiting with the warm car and a friendly smile. The girl quickly walked out the door pushing herself down the long stairs that led to the pick up line. The girl jumped to the car and flung open the door. He mother greeted her with a happy loving hug and than finally releasing her from the death grip reached over and slammed the passenger door.

So another day was over and the girl was content and happy. until next time she thought to her self as her mom drove away from her oh so familiar school building.


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